
  1. 编辑 ~/.bash_profile, 加入以下代码:
    export CLICOLOR=1 export LSCOLORS=gxfxaxdxcxegedabagacad
  2. 保存,然后重启terminal,搞定,恢复正常了.


  1. CLICOLOR: 前景色和背景色的字符串合并值
  2. LSCOLORS: 对于不同变量所采用的颜色方案,具体看如下表格:
    a       black
    b       red
    c       green
    d       brown
    e       blue
    f        magenta
    g      cyan
    h       light grey
    A      bold black, usually shows up as dark grey
    B       bold red
    C      bold green
    D      bold brown, usually shows up as yellow
    E       bold blue
    F       bold magenta
    G     bold cyan
    H      bold light grey; looks like bright white
    x       default foreground or background
  3. directory
  4. symbolic link
  5. socket
  6. pipe
  7. executable
  8. block special
  9. character special
  10. executable with setuid bit set
  11. executable with setgid bit set
  12. directory writable to others, with sticky bit
  13. directory writable to others, without sticky



就是对于directory而言,它的前景色就是: g(cyan),而背景色就是:x(默认的背景色).